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You can find all the available marathon-cli parameters by running the command marathon-cloud help. Below, you'll find a list of the commands and options you can set.

--> marathon-cloud help

Command-line client for Marathon Cloud

Usage: marathon-cloud [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

run Submit a test run
download Download artifacts from a previous test run
completions Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash, zsh, fish)
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-v, --verbose... Increase logging verbosity
-q, --quiet... Decrease logging verbosity
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

--> marathon-cloud run android -h

Run tests for Android

Usage: marathon-cloud run android [OPTIONS] --test-application <TEST_APPLICATION> --api-key <API_KEY>

-a, --application <APPLICATION>
application filepath, example: /home/user/workspace/sample.apk
-t, --test-application <TEST_APPLICATION>
test application filepath, example: /home/user/workspace/testSample.apk
--os-version <OS_VERSION>
OS version [10, 11, 12, 13]
--system-image <SYSTEM_IMAGE>
Runtime system image [possible values: default, google-apis]
-v, --verbose...
More output per occurrence
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Output folder for test run results
-q, --quiet...
Less output per occurrence
--isolated <ISOLATED>
Run each test in isolation, i.e. isolated batching. [possible values: true, false]
--filter-file <FILTER_FILE>
Test filters supplied as a YAML file following the schema at For iOS see also
Wait for test run to finish if true, exits after triggering a run if false
--name <NAME>
name for run, for example it could be description of commit
--link <LINK>
link to commit
--api-key <API_KEY>
Marathon Cloud API key [env: MARATHON_CLOUD_API_KEY=]
--base-url <BASE_URL>
Base url for Marathon Cloud API [default:]
--instrumentation-arg <INSTRUMENTATION_ARG>
Instrumentation arguments, example: FOO=BAR
-h, --help
Print help

--> marathon-cloud run ios -h

Run tests for iOS

Usage: marathon-cloud run ios [OPTIONS] --application <APPLICATION> --test-application <TEST_APPLICATION> --api-key <API_KEY>

-a, --application <APPLICATION>
application filepath, example: /home/user/workspace/
-t, --test-application <TEST_APPLICATION>
test application filepath, example: /home/user/workspace/
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Output folder for test run results
--isolated <ISOLATED>
Run each test in isolation, i.e. isolated batching. [possible values: true, false]
-v, --verbose...
More output per occurrence
--filter-file <FILTER_FILE>
Test filters supplied as a YAML file following the schema at For iOS see also
-q, --quiet...
Less output per occurrence
Wait for test run to finish if true, exits after triggering a run if false
--name <NAME>
name for run, for example it could be description of commit
--link <LINK>
link to commit
--api-key <API_KEY>
Marathon Cloud API key [env: MARATHON_CLOUD_API_KEY=]
--base-url <BASE_URL>
Base url for Marathon Cloud API [default:]
--xctestrun-env <XCTESTRUN_ENV>
xctestrun environment variables, example FOO=BAR

-h, --help
Print help