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Supported frameworks

Marathon Cloud supports tests written with XCTest and XCUITest frameworks. Both the application and the tests must be built for the ARM architecture.

Application and Test Application

Before initiating the testing process for your iOS application, you’ll need to create two .app bundles: one for the application that's being tested, and another for the tests themselves. Typically, debug variants are utilized for this purpose. Let's say our project is called "Sample". The code snippet below shows how to build the .app bundle:

# file structure
# |
# |--home
# |--john
# |--sample <== you are here
# |--sample <== it's your application
# ...
# |--sample.xcodeproj

xcodebuild build-for-testing \
-project sample.xcodeproj \
-scheme sample \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 14,OS=16.1' \
-derivedDataPath ./build

Note the relative paths of applications, as they will be required for running the tests. In the context of our example and debug build, these files can be located at the following paths:

  • Application: /home/john/sample/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
  • Test APK: /home/john/sample/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/

One important thing to note is that *.app files are actually folders in disguise. To transfer them, it's necessary to convert these bundles into .ipa format or standard zip archives:

# file structure
# |
# |--home
# |--john
# |--sample <== you are here
# |--build <== derivedData folder
# |--sample <== it's your application
# ...
# |--sample.xcodeproj
cd build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
# convert to zip archive in this example
zip -r
zip -r

Further, we will use these files:

  • Application: /home/john/sample/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
  • Test APK: /home/john/sample/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/