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Version: 0.10.0

Gradle Plugin


Gradle plugin is a just thin wrapper around CLI. It bundles the CLI and installs it on-the-fly. You should try using CLI first

Tradeoffs using Gradle Plugin

Configuration using Gradle syntaxRequires project sync before testing starts
No installation of marathon CLI requiredLess flexibility in choosing AGP+Gradle versions. CLI is independent of your Gradle setup
Easier to manage when you have more than 1 test run configuration
Missing features, e.g. multi-module testing


Marathon gradle plugin is published to To apply the plugin:

plugins {
id("com.malinskiy.marathon") version "X.X.X"

All the test tasks will start with marathon prefix, for example marathonDebugAndroidTest.


Configuration for Gradle Plugin can only be done via Gradle DSL, i.e. you can't use Marathonfile as configuration when running tests using Gradle Plugin.

Here is an example of gradle config using Kotlin DSL:

marathon {
name = "sample-app tests"
baseOutputDir = "./marathon"
outputConfiguration {
maxPath = 1024
analytics {
influx {
url = "http://influx.svc.cluster.local:8086"
user = "root"
password = "root"
dbName = "marathon"
poolingStrategy {
operatingSystem = true
shardingStrategy {
countSharding {
count = 5
sortingStrategy {
executionTime {
percentile = 90.0
executionTime =, ChronoUnit.DAYS)
batchingStrategy {
fixedSize {
size = 10
flakinessStrategy {
probabilityBased {
minSuccessRate = 0.8
maxCount = 3
timeLimit =, ChronoUnit.DAYS)
retryStrategy {
fixedQuota {
totalAllowedRetryQuota = 200
retryPerTestQuota = 3
filteringConfiguration {
allowlist {
blocklist {
includeSerialRegexes = emptyList()
excludeSerialRegexes = emptyList()
uncompletedTestRetryQuota = 100
ignoreFailures = false
isCodeCoverageEnabled = false
fallbackToScreenshots = false
testOutputTimeoutMillis = 30_000
debug = true
autoGrantPermission = true


Executing your tests via gradle is done via calling generated marathon gradle task, for example marathonDebugAndroidTest. These tasks will be created for all testing flavors including multi-dimension setup.

foo@bar $ gradle :app:marathonDebugAndroidTest