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Version: develop


Configuration of analytics backend to be used for storing and retrieving test metrics. This plays a major part in optimising performance and mitigating flakiness.

Disable analytics

By default, no analytics backend is expected which means that each test will be treated as a completely new test.

InfluxDB v2

Assuming you've done the setup for InfluxDB v2 you need to provide:

  • url
  • token - Token for authentication
  • organization - Organization is the name of the organization you wish to write/read from
  • bucket - Destination bucket to write/read from
  • retention policy

Bucket is quite useful in case you have multiple configurations of tests/devices and you don't want metrics from one configuration to affect the other one, e.g. regular and end-to-end tests.

type: "influxdb2"
url: "http://influx2.svc.cluster.local:8086"
token: "my-super-secret-token"
organization: "starlabs"
bucket: "marathon"
everySeconds: 604800 # Duration in seconds for how long data will be kept in the database. 0 means infinite. minimum: 0
shardGroupDurationSeconds: 0 # Shard duration measured in seconds
successRate: 0.1
duration: "PT300S"
readOnly: false


Assuming you've done the setup for InfluxDB you need to provide:

  • url
  • username
  • password
  • database name
  • retention policy

Database name is quite useful in case you have multiple configurations of tests/devices and you don't want metrics from one configuration to affect the other one, e.g. regular and end-to-end tests.

type: "influxdb"
url: "http://influx.svc.cluster.local:8086"
user: "root"
password: "root"
dbName: "marathon"
name: "rpMarathonTest"
duration: "90d"
shardDuration: "1h"
replicationFactor: 5
isDefault: false
successRate: 0.1
duration: "PT300S"
readOnly: false


Graphite can be used as an alternative to InfluxDB. It uses the following parameters:

  • host
  • port (optional) - the default is 2003
  • prefix (optional) - no metrics prefix will be used if not specified
type: "graphite"
host: "influx.svc.cluster.local"
port: "8080"
prefix: "prf"
successRate: 0.1
duration: "PT300S"
readOnly: false